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5 Ways to Make Your Baby's First Birthday Party Stress-Free and Memorable for Both Baby and Mom. Insight from New Hampshire's Brijoyful Photography.

Updated: Mar 10

It's almost your baby's first birthday. The day you've longed for, and dreaded. You've been planning the birthday party, scrolling though pinterest for decoration ideas. You've made the shopping lists, and clipped any coupon you could. You've sent out the invitations, called the baker, shopped for the perfect outfit, booked the photographer, bought the gifts, cleaned the house, cooked the food, blown up the balloons, the list doesn't seem to end. After-all, this is all for your sweet baby. How can you not do your best? Isn't this what a first birthday party is all about?

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New Hampshire Cake Smash photographer. Birthday party and cake smash nh photograpehr

This was me a few short months ago. Of course, I knew that she wouldn't remember her first birthday party. So why did I feel the need for it to be so perfect? Well, the only person who wanted it to be that way was.......ME. Because when you're a mother, you do everything in your power to make your baby smile. Anything at all. Why as a Mother, do we feel the need to make the first birthday party so memorable?

New Hampshire photographers for events and cake smash photograpehrs How to keep your babies first birthday more simple. Brijoyful Photography

It's because you've BOTH made it. You made it through the first year. The memories of the past twelve months start running through your mind. Before you know it, you find yourself on your phone in the middle of the night, balling your eyes out while looking at your baby's newborn photos. You remember the days that you just couldn't wait for her to open her eyes. You couldn't wait for that first baby giggle, first "Ma'Ma", the first step, but now you find yourself wishing it all back. Well, except for those every three-hour feedings! But actually, even those midnight feedings were sweet in their own ways. It was in those moments when it was just the two of you. Those moments were the most challenging and draining, and you just could't wait until she slept through the nights! But those moments were also some of the most beautiful. So many memories in such a short time, so many challenges for you as the mother, that at times went (unintentionally) unnoticed. Or so you thought....

Babies first birthday photoshoot in New Hampshire photography cake smash photography ideas

We tend to forget that our little one saw, and felt it ALL. She didn't understand that you were so tired, that you felt like you were going crazy! But she DID understand that Mommy was ALWAYS there. She didn't see you looking at your postpartum body in the mirror, she simply saw your body as the most comforting place in the ENTIRE world. She saw you crying, and many times you cried together. To her, you are her world. Her mommy, her best friend. Your memories and her memories over the past months may look differently. But you both did it together. While you were busy trying to remember to eat, drink, sleep, go for walks, change diapers, and keep up with your milk supply as well. She remembers the soft rocking, the snuggles, and the smiles that you gave her. To her, you were simply there. So Ma'Ma', congratulations are in order for you as well. You did it! There is nothing wrong with going all out for a party! However, you can still make it look amazing and fun with little to no effort. Here are my five tips I recommend for keeping your party stress-free:

Babies first birthday photoshoot photography prop ideas from a New Hampshire Photographer
  1. Instead of a fancy cake for the cake smash photos, simply go pick up a cupcake from your local grocery store.

  2. Skip the ballon arch, go to dollar tree and have them blow up a dozen! If your little one is having friends at her party, they can each take one home! Not to mention balloons filled with helium will last for days after, leaving something new to play with.

  3. Cook ahead of time. Pull out a lasagna from the freezer you made a week before. Or simply order pizza! I've never heard anyone complain about a pizza party!

  4. Ask family / friends to bring something to share. A garden salad, drinks, or even some cheese and crackers go a long way!

  5. Don't be afraid to accept clean up help.

At the end of the day, hold your little one close. Be proud of how far you've both come. There is SO much to be excited for in the future! Children are such a beautiful blessing. A wonderful gift from above.

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