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“Seasonal Style:Top Location Picks to Match. Every Season"

When it comes to photography, there are two things that will make the BIGGEST difference in your photos going from "good" to "great". The first thing being your outfits, (check out this link for some tips on how to chose your outfits:

The second thing being your choice of your location. While ultimately you should always go for the location that best fits your dream photoshoot vibes, here are a few things that I'd consider remembering depending on what Season your photoshoot is.


Springtime; the love / hate Season of New England. I remember when I was a little girl, my mom would always get a Khol's magazine in the main. The models who were my age were always in these sweet dresses with NO tights or sweaters! Not to mention there always very green grass in the photos. Well, here in New Hampshire we are still wearing our winter clothes for the most part. Besides those random days when it's extremely warm out, and then snow shows up twenty-four hours after that!

When it comes to locations for photoshoots in the Spring, mud and wet / brown grass is one thing I always keep in mind when considering an open field for your sessions spot. While some good editing can always help pop some green in some trees (if there is green trees), the thing that I always go by is to think of doing your makeup........random I know. When being taught how to do your makeup for the first time, we are always told to start with a good base. If you don't start off your makeup with a clean, and cleared face, it simply won't look very good. The same is with photography. Starting off with a good location that matches well with the season you're in is important. During the Springtime I always try to focus on spots that don't change much, and look stunning no matter WHAT Season your photoshoot is booked in. Here are my top spots I'd bring my clients to during the Spring:

1. The Ocean

2. City / Downtown

3. Top of a Parking Garage

4. The Lake


NOW is the time for fields! Nothing beats a stunning field in the Summertime! Add some golden hour, or even some horses and you have the perfect mix for a beautiful photoshoot! While New England is showing all its beautiful trees, lakes, mountains, and ocean, then is the time to take advantage of that! Not to mention the that it is warm out and also the lighting is perfect for golden hour later in the evening. I also always think to incorporate the things that are happening in that season. Go blueberry, strawberry, or raspberry picking. Go to a hot-air ballon ride! So with that being said, here is what I'd recommend shooting at during the Summertime.

  1. Open Fields

  2. Berry Picking

  3. A Greenhouse

  4. Mountains

  5. The Ocean / Lake

  6. A Hot-Air ballon rally


New England in the Autumn. There is nothing like it. It can make a simple drive to the grocery store take your breath away. When it comes to a great location in the Fall, your options are definitely more wide then the Springtime or the Wintertime. You can basically pull over to the side of the road and it will have some beautiful Fall foliage. Not saying I recommend that, as it may not be the safest, but hey, anything for a stunning photo! It is the perfect time of year to take advantage of the places that you'd normally overlook during the other times of the year. The endless colors of red, orange, and yellow, can make any place come to life! Here are my recommendations for Fall photoshoot locations:

1.Rustic Farms

2. Apple Picking

3. The Woods

4. A Fair

5. The Lake


Last but not least, we have the cold New England Wintertime. Thankfully there is many ways to still capture beautiful photos even during this cooler time of the year. A cozy indoor session is always sweet and inttiment. Visit a coffee shop, a musueme, or a library. All ways to keep warm and comforatable inside. Then of course, you can alwasy brave the cold and go out and enjoy the beauty of the stunning white snow. Much like the Falltime, a blanket of freshly fallen snow, will also take your breath away. It is perfect for any location, as the white snow will make everything look clean and bright. If you're someone who likes to ski or snowboard, then i'd reccomend try a fun skiing session with your signigfant other! Or simply go for a walk outside. Add a snowball fight into the photos for movement, or build a snowman together for a family session. Wintertime has it's limits just like anything, however, if you capture photos either indoors or right after a snowstorm, it will be beautiful! Here are my top reccomendations for a Wintertime photoshoot location:

  1. A ski ressort

  2. In Home

  3. A Library

  4. Coffee Shop

  5. A Museum

  6. A Studio


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